Auto-renewal for 2025 licences is now in process, and we’re experiencing higher-than-usual wait times on our phone lines. For FAQs, visit this link.

Employer Portal - Revenue

The Revenue page displays the payments due to Revenue for the tax year. These amounts will update as you finalise pay periods using BrightPay on your computer and synchronise your data to BrightPay Connect.

Click on a payment to view the associated periodic P30, which shows the full breakdown of how the amounts are calculated.


Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or [email protected].

Installing BrightPayGeneralGetting StartedImporting from Previous YearSwitching from Thesaurus Payroll Manager to BrightPay mid yearImporting employee data from another payroll packageEmployerEmployeePayroll DeductionsPayrollMid-year StartersLeaversPensionsIllness BenefitBenefit in KindParenting LeaveHolidaysEmployee CalendarMaking Corrections to PayrollP30 ReturnsAnalysisBacking Up & Restoring Data FilesYear EndGlossary of Terms - Foreign Language Help SheetsCSOBrightPay Connect