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Apr 2022


Offer payments as a service and increase profits

Up until now, calculating the payroll and settling the payroll have always been separate tasks from one another. On top of that, the time it takes to manually upload bank files, submit paperwork to Revenue, and make any last-minute changes to your payment files, can become overwhelming. Imagine if it could be done all in one central location, streamlining the entire payment process for you?

This is all now possible thanks to BrightPay’s integration with Modulr, the direct payments platform. With this integration, you can save time, reduce payment errors and maximise the efficiency of your business.

Please note: to use this integration, users must set up a Modulr account.

Who are Modulr?

Modulr is a direct payments platform that is transforming the way companies do business, by focusing on automating end-to-end payment flows. This allows their partners to embed payment functionality into their software so that customers can have a seamless workflow experience.

Here are three features that BrightPay’s integration with Modulr can offer to bureaus:

1. Pay employees on the same day

With Modulr’s integration, employees can receive payments on the same day, when processed before 2 pm. This is all done within BrightPay itself, by selecting ‘pay by Modulr’ and sending payments instructions straight to Modulr. This instantly eliminates the hassle of more traditional methods of manually uploading bank files and using outdated payment methods that can take up to three business days to land in employees’ bank accounts. To learn more, watch this short four-minute video on how the payment process works when using Modulr within BrightPay.

2. Payment flexibility

Modulr allows you to schedule payments in advance, meaning you can have payments land in employees’ bank accounts on a day of your choosing. Say goodbye to the panic associated with distributing payments and hello to a more flexible payment approach. The integration grants you the flexibility to make any last-minute changes to your payments if needed, rather than spending hours on the phone to the bank trying to rectify them, taking a serious weight off your shoulders.

3. More secure payments

Not only are you saving an incredible amount of time by incorporating Modulr into your payroll workflow, but you’re also improving the security of your clients’ payments. With Modulr, the network is completely secure and encrypted. You don’t have to leave BrightPay to pay employees either –log in to Modulr directly through the payroll software, and payment details are sent straight to Modulr. This removes risks such as file transfer errors and data duplication.

Once the payments are finalised, the person in the business who authorises payments must log in to the Authy mobile app to approve the payments, before they’re distributed. This login comes with secure two-factor authentication via the authorisation app, Authy, providing an added layer of protection to your payments and ensuring all information is accurate before landing in employees’ bank accounts.

Can I offer this to my clients?

This innovative payment integration with Modulr provides you the opportunity to offer payments as a service to your clients. Learn more about Modulr's payment process in our step-by-step guide here. Interested in learning more about BrightPay? Book a free online 15-minute demo today to see how our award-winning payroll software can enhance your bureau.

Posted byEleanor Mc GuinnessinPay/Wage