What's New in BrightPay 2019?
BrightPay 2019 is now available (for new customers and existing customers). Here’s a quick overview of what’s new:
2019 Tax Year Updates
2019 rates, thresholds and calculations for PAYE, USC, PRSI, LPT and ASC (previously PRD).
PAYE Modernisation
From 1st January 2019, in the most significant reform of the PAYE system in Ireland since its introduction, employers no longer submit end-of-year payroll returns, but are rather required to report their employees' pay and deductions to Revenue each time they are paid. BrightPay not only ensures you are kept fully compliant with the new requirements, but makes it really clear and easy.
- Easily import your Revenue certificate (required to authenticate your submissions to Revenue).
- Check for Revenue Payroll Notifications (RPN) each pay period, and keep your employees up to date in line with Revenue's instructions. Where RPN updates are detected, they can be previewed and applied with a single click.
- Send a Payroll Submission Request (PSR) for each employee payment. BrightPay provides a full print/email-friendly preview of PSR content, and walks you through the process of sending to Revenue.
- BrightPay tracks the state of all your employees each pay period, and alerts you where RPNs need to be checked for or updated from as well as where PSRs need to be sent (or re-sent).
- At a glance comparison and reconciliation of the tax liabilities recorded in BrightPay against the tax liabilities as reported by Revenue.
- BrightPay stores all Revenue communication logs for your reference, and relays any submission errors back to you in a clear, user-friendly format.

Ability to Edit the Columns of the Period Summary View
A popular customer request has been to show columns for number of hours worked and pension contributions on the BrightPay period summary view. In BrightPay 2019, you can now easily include these, as well as many more additional column options.

Ability to Quickly Email any Document/Report

There is a new Email button in the print preview of documents and reports in BrightPay which allows you to easily send it as a PDF attachment in an email. Where and when applicable, BrightPay makes it easy and quick to select the relevant employee, client or previously used recipient.
New Feature: Employer Calendar

There is a new employer-wide calendar in the EMPLOYER section of BrightPay which amalgamates all the employee events along with other key payroll dates into a single view:
- Switch between Year, Month or Week view.
- Shows combined events for all employees (i.e. those entered on the employee calendar, as well as birthdays)
- Includes general tax year events and deadlines.
- Ability to filter which kinds of events are displayed on calendar and in the day event list.
- Ability to add/edit/delete your own notes.
Employee Calendar Improvements

- Ability to batch set working days, non-working days and leave days for multiple employees at once.
- Holding the Ctrl key allows you to select (or unselect) multiple arbitrary days on the calendar.
Other 2019 Changes in BrightPay
- When a text input field receives focus via keyboard tabbing, its content is all selected automatically.
- Adds several more customisability options for payslip production.
- When zero-ising payslips, you can now choose to zero-ise only the overtime (or non-overtime)hourly/daily payments.
- Enables specific period payments, daily payments, hourly payments, piece payments, additions and deductions to be explicitly hidden on printed payslip.
- Enables specific period payments, daily payments, hourly payments, piece payments, additions and deductions to be given a custom description to appear on printed payslip.
- Ability to set whether or not an hourly rate/payment should accrue hour-based annual leave entitlement.
- For 'accrued' annual leave days/hours, ability to manually specify additional accrued days/hours not accounted for in payroll (i.e. an adjustment).
- Annual leave accrual is now calculated up to end of the currently open pay period (rather than up to the end of the last finalised pay period).
- Net to gross functionality can now do ‘Take-home pay to gross’ and ‘Cost-to-employer to gross’.
- Printing page setup is now centralised into the File menu of BrightPay.
- Ability to control whether or not the PDF export settings are remembered between usages.
- Lots of minor improvements throughout the entire BrightPay user interface, as well as the latest bug fixes.
What's Next?
We're continually at work on the next version of BrightPay, developing new features and making any required fixes and improvements. See our release notes to keep track of what has been changed to date at any time.
Posted byRoss WebsterinPayroll SoftwareSoftware Upgrade