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Nov 2018


Manually Processing Payroll with PAYE Modernisation

PAYE Modernisation is the most significant change ever to happen to the Irish PAYE system. The new legislation will be a big change for all employers, especially those with little payroll experience. With the added workload required to process PAYE Modernisation, it is important that all employers prepare for PAYE Modernisation. From the very beginning of the year, employers must be ready to start reporting their payroll information to Revenue in real time.

Revenue estimates that a large number of employers still calculate their payroll manually. With PAYE Modernisation, these employers can still process their payroll using a manual, spreadsheet or paper-based system, but this outdated process will be time-consuming, cumbersome and prone to errors. Failing to comply with PAYE Modernisation will result in penalties or fines being imposed from Revenue.

Employers who process payroll manually will need to login to the ROS portal each pay period, be it weekly or monthly, and manually enter the required details for each of their employees, a bit like manually completing a P35 each pay period. Also, before processing the payroll in any week, manual users will need to login to ROS to get details of tax credits and cut off points.

Many business owners believe that a manual payroll system is a relatively easy way to manage their payroll and can seem like the most cost-effective option. However, along with the additional time required to process payroll, a manual system can result in inaccurate payroll processing as it does not have built-in processes to catch mistakes or notify you of payroll changes. Manual records are also very difficult to maintain, store securely under GDPR and are subject to greater human error. It is important to note that late periodic submissions or a constant pattern of correction submissions will potentially result in non-compliance penalties and fines.


PAYE Modernisation with Payroll Software

Revenue has strongly advised employers to review their payroll processes and systems to ensure they meet the new PAYE Modernisation requirements for January 2019. Payroll software which caters for PAYE Modernisation will improve and simplify communications between employers and Revenue.

If you have the correct payroll software tools in place, the ongoing reporting to Revenue will be seamless, ultimately saving time and reducing the risk of errors each pay period. Employers using payroll software that is Revenue compliant will be able to create and send the periodic PSR submission directly to Revenue from the payroll software at the click of a button. This integration with Revenue will also allow employers to automatically retrieve RPNs for employees from within the payroll software. Changes to an employees tax credits and cut-offs can then be updated in the payroll software with just one click.


Free Online Training

Thesaurus Software and Revenue have teamed up to bring you free PAYE Modernisation training webinars. We have put together a series of webinars aimed specifically at employers who are currently processing their payroll manually. During the webinars, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of manually processing your payroll for PAYE Modernisation. Places are limited - Click here to book your place now.

Thesaurus Software is at the forefront when it comes to PAYE Modernisation complaint payroll software. With two different payroll packages to choose from - Thesaurus Payroll Manager and BrightPay - customers will be guaranteed leading-edge software and expertise. To help single-employee companies with their PAYE Modernisation duties, we are offering a free BrightPay employer licence for 2019. This free licence includes free email support and full functionality for PAYE Modernisation.


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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software



Posted byRachel HynesinPAYEPAYE ModernisationPayrollPayroll Software