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Jun 2018


PAYE Modernisation: How successful was it in the UK?

It is now over three years since the UK implemented RTI (Real Time Information) which is their equivalent to PAYE Modernisation. Similar to PAYE Modernisation’s objective, RTI was setup to ensure employers and employees will have the most accurate, up-to-date information relating to pay and tax deductions.

Success or Failure?

A recent review of the success of RTI revealed that the system did achieve what it set out to do. RTI has enabled the tax and benefits system to become more responsive than ever before - PAYE payments and debt are dealt with more effectively, and the flow of PAYE payments to the Exchequer has also improved. There have been year-on-year improvements for RTI and in 2016 a study found that 99% of businesses had integrated it into their payroll processes.

Ireland to follow suit...

PAYE Modernisation is to come into force in Ireland in January 2019. It will be the biggest change to the PAYE system since the introduction of PAYE itself. Our UK payroll software, BrightPay UK implemented RTI successfully and streamlines the process. We have the relevant experience to ensure that PAYE Modernisation is just as seamless in Ireland.

If you would like to see what PAYE Modernisation will look like book an online demo today.


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Posted byCailin ReillyinPAYE Modernisation